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To ensure the lifelong use of your new poly tank it is recommended that you follow the below steps when selecting and preparing your new tank site. The correct site preparation is vital to your tank providing many years of trouble free service. Incorrect site preparation or installation may void your warranty.



Measuring and marking out the area you intend to site your tank is important to ensure the correct tank position is selected. Completing the following checks will help determine the correct placement.

• Measure the available area noting the tank diameter.

• Allow for any additional space required around the tank (minimum 300mm).

• Check tank inlet height - measure from your gutter to ground level to ensure sufficient 'fall'.

• Location of any down pipes you intend to collect water from.

• Location of storm water connection for plumbing the tanks overflow into (if applicable).

• Position of the tanks inlet, overflow and outlet should be considered.


The tank site must be flat and level, it is recommend to excavate the area to ensure you start with a level foundation free of any rocks, stones or foreign objects that may damage the base of your tank. If fill is to be used to raise an area ensure the fill is well compacted and retained as necessary. Your tanks pad should be at least 300mm greater in diameter than the base of the tank.


The tank base must be adequately retained to avoid any under tank erosion from water, wind or vermin. The use of timber sleepers or similar is ideal to retain the base and prevent undermining from occurring. This also makes long term maintenance easier, helping to prevent grass and weeds from growing into the tank base.

The tank should not be buried greater than one third of its wall height. If tank is to be buried, fill with water prior to back filling and back fill with clean sand only. Water level to remain at or above ground level at all times.



Tanks can be positioned on 75-100mm of level crusher dust or FCR, a level concrete slab or a sturdy tank stand. Small blue metal road base (less than 10mm stone) is also suitable, but larger stone is not recommended as it may contain sharp stones capable of damaging the base of the tank. Add the material and screed level to the top of the timber sleepers. The use of a compactor is recommended to ensure the base is properly compacted and suitable for holding the weight of a full tank.

Note: 1,000 litres = 1,000 kilograms of weight. A 10,000 litre tank when full will weigh over 10,000 kilograms or 10 tonnes!


When placing the tank onto the prepared site take note of the tanks inlet and overflow positions to ensure these line up with your intended plumbing. Once the tank is on site it can be spun or moved to help with the positioning, just be careful you don't damage your base work in the process.


If we are delivering your new tank we will help you place it onto your prepared base and suitably position it with your assistance, see our delivery terms and conditions for full details.


The plumbing of your new tank is the responsibility of the purchaser. All plumbing work should be carried out by licensed plumber or suitably qualified person.

Plumbing work required:

• Downpipe from gutter into tank inlet strainer.

• Overflow from tank into storm water or sufficient drainage system.

• Outlet from tank to pump connection or tap system.

• Pump to house/garden or other intended use.

• Tanks for drinking water should be fitted with a 'sludge valve'.

In all installations make sure outlet pipes are joined to the tank outlet fitting with a flexible coupling or pipe and properly supported, not depending on the tank itself for stability.

If there is no storm water available you must ensure the tanks overflow is piped well away from the base of the tank to prevent washout and undermining.



Site Selection
Site Prep
Base Prep
Tank Placement


To ensure the lifelong use of your new poly tank it is recommended that you follow the below steps when selecting and preparing your new tank site. The correct site preparation is vital to your tank providing many years of trouble free service. Note: incorrect site preparation or installation may void your warranty.

  1. Tank site must be level and free of any rocks, stones or foreign objects that may damage the base of tank.​

  2. Site must be solid. If fill is to be used, ensure tank site is well compacted.

  3. Tanks can be positioned on 75-100mm of level crusher dust or FCR, a level concrete slab or a sturdy tank stand. Small blue metal or roadbase (less than 10mm stone) is suitable, but larger stone is not recommended as it may contain sharp stones capable of damaging the base of the tank.

  4. Tank pads should be at least 300mm greater in diameter than the base of the tank.

  5. Tank pads must be adequately retained to avoid any under tank erosion from water, wind or vermin.

  6. Concrete slabs must be smooth finished and of sufficient thickness and suitably reinforced to support the weight of the tank when full.

  7. Tank stands should have hardwood decking spaced no greater than 50mm apart.

  8. Bearers must have sufficient strength to prevent deflection when tank is full.

  9. The tank should not be buried greater than one third of its wall height. If tank is to be buried, fill with water prior to back-filling, and back-fill with clean sand only. Water level in tank to remain at or above ground level at all times.

  10. Tank overflow must be piped well away from the tank to avoid undermining the base.

  11. In all installations, make sure outlet pipes are joined to the tank outlet fitting with a flexible coupling or pipe and properly supported, not depending on the tank itself for stability.

Additional Information (Courtesy of the Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia Inc - ARMA):

If you are installing the tank yourself it's vital that you carefully read the manufacturers installation and maintenance instructions.

A tank full of water is extremely heavy and a poorly maintained base under a poly tank can result in it failing and needing repair - which won't be covered under your manufacturers warranty. Correct preparation will result in years of trouble-free performance from your tank. If in doubt, involve a specialist.

All water tanks can slowly build up a layer of sludge in the bottom.

This is caused by dust and debris entering the tank which will happen no matter how effective your filtering system is. As a general rule check your tank for sludge every two to three years. However, in Metropolitan areas there are other factors that need to be considered to ensure that the rainwater you harvest can be used to its full potential. For example; your roof is more likely to collect heavy metals from the pollution in the air so first flush devices, sieves and gutter maintenance are vital.

No matter how tough your tank is, it may at some time receive an unexpected impact.

It is important that damaged tank plastic is repaired by qualified and experienced contractors to ensure your tank remains safe and watertight. Ask your agent or manufacturer for a recommended repairer. You may have seen claims that whole industries have appeared to repair tanks. Whilst accidents sometimes occur - vehicles may back into them, sometimes they are badly installed and occasionally manufacturing flaws need to be repaired - the same is true for all tank material. Plastic welding companies don't fill their days crossing the country repairing water tanks. However, they do provide excellent repair and fabrication services when required.

© 2022 Global Poly Water Tanks. All rights reserved.

13 Oaks Court, Sorell Tasmania

Ph: (03) 6265 2882

Fax: (03) 6265 1006


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